In the Municipal Center
6307 Rt. 9
P.O. Box 451
Chestertown, New York 12817
(518) 494-5384
Brought funding to the Library by applying for grants, holding an annual wine tasting, book sales, and other fund raisers
Sponsored the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to provide free books to preschool children
Supported Kindergarten Roundup and the Summer Reading Program
Provided books for children at the annual Rotary Holiday Party
Paid for website hosting and managed the Library website
Maintained a collection of rare, handmade books
Published the Library Newsletter
Sponsored movie night & lectures
Held twice a year book sales
Volunteered to help in the Library
Funded HOOPLA digital media service
Join the Friends of the Library.
Help us help your library.
The organization exists to coordinate the activities of persons interested in books, libraries and online access to information; to focus public attention on library needs, facilities and services; to conduct fund-raising activities to supplement the library’s budget and to provide additional activities and services; to stimulate gifts and donations; and enrich the cultural opportunities available to the citizens of and visitors to the Town of Chester.
The Friends contributes substantially to the Library through the purchase of newspaper and magazine subscriptions, acquisitions of books and electronic media, and computers and other equipment. We also support children’s programs and the summer reading program.
Linda Taverni - Chair
Robert Walp - Vice Chair
Lynne Hagmann - Corresponding Secretary
Linda Thorsen - Recording Secretary
Richard McCrum - Treasurer
Kathleen Rivers - Director
Liz McNamara - Director
Meetings are held the 2nd Friday of each month from September to June, at 10am in the library. Everyone is welcome.
The library is located on the second floor of the Town of Chester Municipal Center, on the Main Street of the Village of Chestertown.
Volunteers are always needed.
Help us help your library.
The Friends of the Town of Chester Library
6307 Rt. 9
P.O. Box 451
Chestertown, New York 12817
(518) 494-5384
North Warren Scholarship
Dynamite Hill Storybook Trail
A new sign for the Library
Computers and software
Shelving and furniture
Books, periodicals and other media
DVDs and Audiobooks
Updated 7/13/23